Sunday, May 22, 2011

My reaction to this video was that it was very moving and interesting to her. Coming from a genocide survivor, her story was amazing. She hid for 3 months from the Hutus. They hid in their neighbor’s house that was a Hutu. She hid in a bathroom with 47 woman, sitting in their in silence. And once she was let out, she came to find that almost everyone she knew and loved was dead. I could not even try to put my feet in her shoes. Her experience was so traumatizing I can’t imagine going through that, especially because she was younger and I imagine around my age. That’s something that seems so unreal to me. I can’t believe how much courage she had. This video makes me very sad because at the beginning she talks about how she doesn’t understand how any one could just go around killing people for no reason. Which is so true, the Hutu militias went around killing innocent people when they had done nothing wrong. This whole video is incredibly eye opening and truthful. 

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