Sunday, May 22, 2011

This last article I had a similar eye opening reaction to. It talks about a teenage girls experience during the genocide. And tells her story, I think if I was put in her position I would completely break down, I would not be able to handle what she went through. It talks about how she was haunted many years after, and that is completely understandable. Those images will never leave her, and that has got to be hard to live with. Along with this article came a slide show of pictures that show the scars from some of the attacks on the people. Their really scary, and I know that is not a good word but I do not really have any other way of explaining it.  They look so painful I couldn’t even imagine having something like that happen to me. The whole article is moving because it talks about how she still leads a normal life after all the traumatic things she’s been through. 

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